Anyone who is taking part in Google AdSense program is asking this question - how much lovely bucks will it give to me?
Surely don't expect that Google will tell you how much money was paid by AdWords advertisers for each click that was made on your site. Why? Because Google decided that this way it will be better. We can love it, we can hate it - but this is how Google decided to do that
Those who do not like - can simply not put AdSense codes on their pages and hit the big Google into the very heart No really, if about 30% of the sites in the net take AdSense ads away, this will be a serious jab to Google, but as they keep using the lovely ads - this is the best proof that everybody is happy.
When you are going to estimate your future profits with Google AdSense program you need to take 2 factors into account:
- your traffic volume
- your traffic source
Volume is the amount of people who come to your site or blog, come on a regular basis.
Source is from where these people come. It is proven by real case experience that people who come from search engines are very good clickers on the AdSense ads.
Then it all comes down to how you position the ads on your pages and what click through rate (CTR) you will have. 5% CTR is considered to be very good. Over 10% CTR - something you can boast about.
And the last thing to consider - your niche. Surely advertiser in investments, loans, mortgages, health insurances, real estate are paying more per click than cheaper niches. But you can compensate it with getting plugged into less competitive niche.
Now, let's do the calculations.
You have 1,000 unique visitors per day to your blog about mortgage (tough niche, by the way). Out of them you know by your traffic stats that 500 come from search engines. You also know that for the traffic which comes from search engines you have 5% CTR. And you know that averagely and advertiser in this niche is paying $1.00
Then it means your average profits for the part of traffic which comes from search engines should be:
500 people X $1.00 X 0.05 = $25.00 (daily)
Surely these are averages, life is more flexible and unexpected. But now you can think in terms of some figures.
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